

Reef Cleanups

It all looks amazing from the pictures on our website or at @pohnpei_surf_club, but there are problems in paradise, and it’s called trash. With hardly any trash collection on the island, and only one dump site in town, a lot of trash gets accumulated on the wrong sites or just dumped on wrong places ending up on streams, mangroves, the inner lagoon, beaches, shorelines, reefs and the open ocean. Pohnpei is a small island with 130 square miles of land, an 80 square miles inner lagoon and around 35.000 habitants. We can’t fix the world’s trash problems but we sure can fix that problem in Pohnpei.

Over the years with the support of friends and partners, we have been organizing reef cleanup, underwater scuba diving, snorkeling, and walking shorelines and beaches collecting the trash that drifts to our shores from Pohnpei main island and abroad. The trash keeps coming and we will keep doing our cleanups to bring awareness to all about how to properly dispose of their trash, re-use, recycle or just don’t buy products you don’t need or can’t properly dispose of.

If you want to join us for a clean up, or donate for our cause please e-mail us at pnisurfclub@gmail.com and we will let you know how you can help.

All help is appreciated.

Thank you.